Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Let it snow! No shopping to do will just stay in to decorate the tree and house and finish cards. Hubby & I completed all outside activities yesterday in anticipation of snow (much less I may add). Went to see Precious yesterday and when we came out of the theater there was at least an inch of snow. After snowing all night on our deck is at least 15-18 inches. Great acting in Precious but when I was growing up I didn't know any grandmothers that would have tolerated such treatment from her daughter or mistreatment of her granddaughter.

As we entered the house after the movie, the phone was ringing. It was a neighbor who told us they had planned a Christmas party, expecting about 30 people. Because of the storm most had cancelled so they asked us to come over to help eat all the food. It was great fun celebrating some holiday cheer with neighbors whom we only casually talk to when in the yard. About 12 people showed up. Interesting what can bring people together.

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