Sunday, December 20, 2009

Impact of the Snow

It’s a beautiful, sunny day as the sun bounces off the 15-18 inches of snow. I must admit that even I, a warm weather person, appreciate the beauty of the snow. I still can’t get out of my driveway and no generous soul has come by to clear it. A few years ago the teenager across the street was always on our front stoop offering to clear our driveway and walkway. But he is an adult now and does not need to or want to do it. Hopefully Mother Nature will be generous over the next few days and begin melting the snow. I have used the time wisely – decorating, cleaning, working on projects, etc. I have no urgent need to go out. The snow has also helped with my weight loss. Hubby & I were scheduled to attend two parties today and one tomorrow. Both cancelled. So I am banking calories for Christmas day.

I am anxious to see my 2 daughters and 2 grands who are scheduled to arrive Christmas Eve night and a childhood cousin (and best friend), scheduled to arrive that morning. Mother Nature, please be nice to us! Big family plans beginning with Lambert Family traditional Christmas brunch after which my household will have 12 people for dinner and 15 people for dinner on Sat. Sun. will be family visiting day when we go to the country where my cousin and I grew up to visit family still there. I am excited!

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