Thursday, June 4, 2009

Great Time IN DC

I'm on a(working)mini-vacation in DC. Came to play in a member/guest golf tournament with a friend. This is at least the 5th year we have played. We never win anything but we have so much fun!. Met some new friends - one of the ladies on the team is married to a guy who graduated in my class at Harvard Business School. He knew of me but i did not know him.

After playing in the AM, I did some work in the afternoon. Had a great marketing brainstorm session with my golf buddy. She then took me to a neat independent bookstore where she introduced me to the owner and I told her of my forthcoming book. She expressed an interest in including me as one of the stores events of the month. Tonight I'll be attending the Dr. Dorothy Height Gala. Will tell you about it.

Make it a good day!

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