Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stretching the Body, Mind & Soul

I have just returned from my exercise class with the seniors exercise ministry at my church. They meet every MWF at 8 am. There are days I have to push myself to go but afterward I feel so renewed and refreshed. Anything worth doing requires effort and exercise is no different. This class gives food for the body, mind and soul. Much camaraderie, closing with a pray and hugs. For some people that may be the only hug they get. I am now ready to venture out into the day. Meeting a colleague for lunch to share ideas.

Mon, May 18 was a special day. The Harvard Business School African American Alumni Assn sponsored a Forum at the White House to meet with Pres. Obama's staff who gave us information on the administration's health, education and energy proposed programs. This forum originated with the idea of one person who decided to take action. More forums will be scheduled and each os us will be challenged to become action oriented. What an exciting time!

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