Thursday, May 7, 2009

New York Bound

I am on the train headed for NYC to spend Mother's Day with my two daughters. The train is so much more relaxing than the plane and I can carry as much as I can handle without having to pay extra. Must be sure I take things for the grandkids. First Mother's Day with my daughters since they left home for college, maybe 15+/- years ago. On Mon I will go to Riverhead, NY to spend my birthday (May 12) with my childhood best friend/cousin. Should be great fun.

Had a great day yesterday! Started with breakfast/meeting for River City
Express Network, a group of dynamic women. Had a productive meeting with my website technicians, two really sharp guys from AddisonClark, who are doing some interesting things to upgrade my website. Stay tuned. Later in the day I met with a speaker's bureau, Arnett and Associates. Seems like a great company. I expect to sign with them and put on my traveling shoes for speaking engagements.

I may do some blogging from NYC.

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