Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doors of Opportunity

You never know from where your opportunities will come. Knowing and meeting people can open many doors if you just step up and walk in.

Had lunch on Friday with another author who offered to introduce me to a colleague of hers who is starting a project that she thought would interest me. She immediately made the introduction by email and I followed up right away. (I like to do immediate followup on a referral for fear of appearing not interested or the possibility of forgeting, even if just to acknowledge receipt of the email.) This lady and I had a meeting this morning and am I interested! Her project is The Hope Bus. The mission and purpose is to bring hope into many people's lives by teaching them life skills and tools to create the life they love - no matter their race, age or social standing. She will do this using a bus (some of us will fly) of volunteers, contacts, speakers and charities touring the East Coast stopping in various cities to deliver the message. I will be with the tour in NY, Boston,MA Annapolis,MD, Norfolk, VA, Orlando, Ft Lauderdale and Miami, FL. This is right down my alley. Exaxtly what I speak to groupsabout. Check the website:

After my meeting I played a round of golf and had my best score of the year. I was pumped up. What a way to end the day(though I am still working.

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