Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day

Happy income tax day! Have you filed your return? If so you are probably one of those getting or have already gotten a refund. If you got a refund, you loaned your money to the government interest free. If it was a large refund, you could have made a few dollars in interest (even with today's meager rates) if you increased your exemptions, brought home more in your paycheck and invested the extra money. It does take discipline. So check that W-4 at work.

Was it frustrating to gather all that information to get your taxes completed? It's not too late to set up a simple system so you know where your tax information is month-by-month. Well, Apr 15 is here and I expect to get out the checkbook when my accountant gives me the word. Yes, I'm one of those Apr. 15 filers. Why pay early?

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