Wednesday, November 25, 2009


With Thanksgiving approaching, many people are running around preparing for the “big dinner” whether they are staying home or traveling. Even in this time of economic uncertainty, we all have many things for which to be thankful – if we only took time to think about it.

This resonated with me over the last week after comments made to me by two people. One person was a young lady I have mentored for a few years and the other was my sister-in-law. The young lady sent me an email listing the dates for each day for a week leading up to Thanksgiving Day with instructions to: “list under each day things for which you are thankful, even the small things". Any idea how long that list could be?

My sister-in-law was telling me about a night when she had trouble going to sleep. She would usually count sheep or get up and work on the computer or do some other activity to cause her to get sleepy. This particular night, she decided to count her blessings. After starting to do this she really could not go to sleep because she had difficulty completing the list. That reminded me of a song I used to hear as a child:

When I am worried and I can’t sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings….

What are you thankful today and every day?

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